Hawke's Bay Tourism Services

There are four tourist information centres in the Hawke's Bay - Napier, Hasting, Wairoa, Waipukurau, and Havelock North.

Napier i-site Visitor Centre
Marine Parade, Napier
Phone: (06) 834 1911

Hasting i-site Visitor Centre
Cnr Russell & Heretaunga St East, Hastings
Phone: (06) 873 5526

Wairoa i-site Visitor Centre
Cnr SH2 & Queens St, Wairoa
Phone: 0800 WAIROA

Central Hawke's Bay Visitor Centre
Railway Esplanade, Waipukurua
Phone: (06) 858 6488

Havelock North Village Info
@ the Roundabout, Havelock North
Phone: (06) 877 9600

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